Thursday Tween - 4-530PM - Ages 11-14 - Spring 2025


Thursday Tween - 4-530PM - Ages 11-14 - Spring 2025

from $325.00

This is a 6 week or an 10 week wheel and handbuilding class for tweens/young teens, ages 11-14. They will learn slab work, pinch pots, coiling, throwing on the wheel, sgraffito, glazing, etc.

This class takes place at 750 Coney Island Ave.

Class dates:
(First 6 weeks) April 3rd, 10th, (Spring break, no class 17th) 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th

(All 10 weeks) April 3rd, 10th, (Spring break, no class 17th), 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, June 5th, 12th

Session length:
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