Intro to Handbuilding - Sundays - February 9th, 16th, 23rd, March 2nd - 130-330pm
Intro to Handbuilding - Sundays - February 9th, 16th, 23rd, March 2nd - 130-330pm
from $275.00
Join Signe on Sundays for a 4 week tour of hand-building techniques. In this series you'll learn both the basics as well as some more advanced techniques. Each participant will complete a body of work including pinch, coil and slab techniques. Students will finish with glazing the last week. This workshop is a beginner level, no experience necessary.
This workshop is open to adults and children with guardians (children ages 7 and up).
We only use one type of clay, a white stoneware, at this location, no outside clay can be brought in.
Pricing: $275 for a single.
$350 for a parent with a child.
If you would like to sign up with your child send me a message at or via contact.
Materials for this class are included.
The handbuilding class comes with one piece per project, so 3 all in, you’ll glaze the last week. If you would like to keep more it is $10 for each additional piece. There is a button for that on the “Shop” page of this website and a QR code at Annex..
This class takes place at 750 Coney Island Ave.