Intro to Wheel - Tuesdays - January 7th, 14th, 21st - 750 Coney Island Ave
Intro to Wheel - Tuesdays - January 7th, 14th, 21st - 750 Coney Island Ave
This is a great way to explore the potter’s wheel and firing process without too long of a commitment.
This three week workshop will guide you through the three major parts of making pottery. They are throwing (forming), trimming (decorating or finishing), and glazing.
You’ll be creating your very own pots on the wheel in the first class, trimming them on the wheel in the second, and the last class will be finishing your work by glazing it in your own style and design.
Your finished work (average of 1-2 pieces) THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL FEES.
Each class is 1.5 to 2 hours long. 7pm to 830/9pm
It’s important to make it to all three classes as there is no possibility for makeup classes. You need the first class to be able to do the second and the second class to be able to complete the piece in the 3rd. They build on each other.